Is it allowed to sell spirits to children/teens?

Is it allowed to sell spirits to children/teens?


Delivery on and the consumption of strong spirits and similar high-per cent beverages at young people is not permitted.

It is forbidden to serve alcoholic beverage to minors younger then 16 (Decree-Law 14 November 1939 concerning the suppressing of drunkenness). Selling or giving away those beverages is allowed as long as it is no strong spirtit and as long as it is not consumed on the sport.



In Bulgaria there is no strict difference between light and spirits in general, but nevertheless every person who sells alcoholic drinks and tobacco products to children, no matter the alcohol content, can be fined either in cash or with property sanction if he is not a liable to a harder administrative sanction under a special law or the deed is not considered a crime.

The use of alcohol from adolescents and minors is publicly dangerous and illegal deed and is also immoral and is sanctioned with and educational measure.



Young persons can buy light spirits from the age of 16 years.
Young persons are allowed to consume spirits at bars and restaurants from the age of 18 years.
There is no legislation about when young persons are allowed to consume spirits except from the bars and restaurant etc. The National Board of Health recommend young persons to be 16 years or more before consuming spirits.



Paragraph 9 Alcoholic drinks Protection of Young Persons Act

(1) In restaurants, sales outlets or otherwise in public

beer, wine, wine-like beverages or sparkling wine or mixtures of beer, wine, wine-like beverages or sparkling wine with non-alcoholic beverages to children and young people under the age of 16,
other alcoholic beverages or foodstuffs that contain other alcoholic beverages in significant amounts to children and young people they may neither be given nor permitted to be consumed.
(2) Paragraph 1 number 1 does not apply if young people are accompanied by a person who has custody.
(3) Alcoholic beverages may not be offered in public vending machines. This does not apply if an automat

 is set up in a place that is inaccessible to children and young people, or
set up in a commercially used room and it is ensured by technical devices or by constant supervision that children and young people cannot remove alcoholic beverages.

§ 20 No. 1 of the Restaurant Act remains unaffected.
(4) Soft drinks containing alcohol within the meaning of Section 1 (2) and (3) of the Alcopop Tax Act may only be placed on the market commercially with the note "Sale to persons under the age of 18 prohibited, Section 9 of the Youth Protection Act". This information must be on the finished packaging in the same font and in the same size and color as the brand or fancy name or, if not available, as the sales description and attached to bottles on the front label.



Spirits allowed to consume from 18.

Alcohol Act

§ 4 Prohibition on consumption of alcoholic beverages for minors:

Minors shall not consume alcoholic beverages.

§ 47 Measures to enforce prohibition on consumption of alcoholic beverages for minors:

(1) Minors shall not obtain alcoholic beverages.

(2) It is prohibited to transfer alcoholic beverages to minors. In order to observe the above-mentioned prohibition, a seller may demand identification from the buyer and refuse to sell alcoholic beverages if the buyer fails to present such identification.

*By the law in the prohibition of the sale of alcohol to minors there is no difference between light or strong spirits.



It is not allowed to sell products with high percentage of alcohol to a person under 20 years. Light spirits can be sold to a person over 18 years. (Alcohol Act 1143 / 1993 Alkoholilaki, § 24).

It is prohibited to sell products containing more than 2,8 percent alcohol by volume to a person under 18 years old. (Alcohol Act 1143 / 1993 Alkoholilaki, § 24).



A person under 16 years of age may only drink and buy non-alcoholic beverages correlative to class 1.

Persons between 16 and 18 years of age are allowed to consume and buy beverages correlative to classes 1 and 2 (e.g. wine, beer).

The national assembly decided a new law on the protection of minors which has to be confirmed by the Senate. This law provide a ban on alcohol persons under 18 years of age. 


There are strict bans on minors, which regulate the sale as well as the consumption of alcoholic drinks. The following articles are important:

· Minors and an adult under guardianship must not run premises (art. 54law on combating tobacco dependency and alcoholism)

· In the event that of a breach of this obligation, the person will be avenged with a fine up to 3.811,23 €. In the case of an infringement under article 54, the court is able to enunciate the closing of business for a period of 5 years and more. Repeated infringements lead to the final closing of business (art. 57).

· article 17 law nr. 92-675 of 17th July 1992: It is prohibited to employ minors at premises (also in the context of a practical training), unless it is the partner of the operator, a parent or affinity including fourth degree. In premises which having a specific permission on sale of alcoholic beverages a person with 16 years of age is allowed to work in the context of a practical training or anapprenticeship. These internships should enable them to get an apprenticeship which will be certify by a diploma or a similar certificate under the provisions of art. 8 law nr. 71-577 on orientation of subject-based teaching.


Protection of minors against alcohol abuse:

· Selling alcoholic beverages to minors under 16 years of age for consumption or slaving at premises, stores and at public places is prohibited (art. 80 law on combating tobacco dependency and alcoholism).

· In the event that of a breach of this obligation, the person will be avenged with a fine up to 3.811,23 € (art. 81 law on combating tobacco dependency and alcoholism).


The operator of a premise or restaurant has to pay attention for compliance with the legislation. In the case of an infringement the operator has to stand trial:

· It is prohibited to sell or give up alcoholic beverages to minors under 16 years of age (third, fourth and fifth class) in public for consumption (art. 82 decree nr. 59-107 of 7th January 1959, law nr. 74-631 of 5 July 1974).

· According to art. 81 a person who is selling alcoholic drinks to minors until they drunken will be punished (art. 84 decree nr. 59-107 of 7th January 1959, law nr. 76-631 of 5th July 1974)

· Art. L.3342-1 Public Health Code regulate also the ban on selling alcoholic drinks to minors and the ban of free due of alcoholic beverages to minors at shops and public places.

There is no legislation which prohibit consumption of alcoholic drinks of minors outside of restaurants and premises. However the incitement to consume alcoholic drinks is illegal (art. 227-19 Penal Code).


Classification of beverage dispensing:

· class 1: non-alcoholic beverage

· class 2: wine (including cider, perry, mead), beer, Crème de cassis and juices from fermented fruits and vegetables, which contain 1,2 up to 3 percent alcohol by volume (natural dessert wines from certified growing areas)

· class 3: other natural dessert wines, liqueur wines, aperitive based on wine, strawberry liqueur, blackcurrantliqueur, cherry brandy under 18 percent alcohol by volume

· class 4: rum, tafia (from cane sugar), alcoholic drinks which are obtained from the distillation of wine, cider, perry or fruits and where no essences are added (cognac, armagnac, calvados)

· class 5:all the other authorized alcoholic beverages (Bsp. Ricard, Berger, Pernod, Whisky, Gin)

· non-authorized alcoholic beverages: aperitive based on wine with 45 percent alcohol by volume, bitter, gentian with a sugar content under 200 grams per 1 liter and 30 percent alcohol by volume


United Kingdom

No. Alcohol of any kind may only be bought and consumed freely from the age of 18. Children may drink alcohol in home or restaurants if they are with their parents. No distinction is made concerning the strength of alcoholic beverages.



There is no legislation but Minors are not allowed to consume any alcohol beverage in restaurants, bars etc. Therefore are signs affixed at the entrances (0,60x0,30 ) : The consumption of alcoholic beverages are anyone under 17 years age who are not accompanied by parents or a guardian prohibited.

Presidential Decree 36/1994, art. 1 para 1 letter b based on Act 1481/1994 art.12 para 1 pursuant to sentecne a and c, and para 2

Also, the minors are prohibited to consume alcohol drinks at any public places, with exception cases of private events.

3730/2008 Act, art. 4



Selling alcohol to minors is an offense. No distinction is made concerning the strength of alcoholic beverages. Children may drink alcohol in home if they are with their parents.



In accordance with Article 689 of the Civil Code, the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited for minors under the age of 16 in all public establishments and establishments accessible to the public, as well as in schools, cafeterias and all educational institutions and hostels in accordance with Article 24 of Royal Ordinance No. 2316 of 24 December 1934.



The provisions of the Trade Act prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages and other drinks containing alcohol to persons under the age of 18. (see also the answer under 3).




It is not allowed to sell spirits to children. They are not allowed to consume them. Child is a person until 18 years of age.



The selling of spirits to anyone under the age of 21 is prohibited. People under 21 years of age must not consume any alcoholic beverages.



Serving or offering alcoholic beverages of any kind to minors under the age of 16 is prohibited (Act of 29 June 1989).



As far as alcohol is concerned, alcoholic beverages may not be sold to persons under the age of 16 under Maltese law. There is no law which defines an age limit for the consumption of alcohol.



The government has passed laws against underage drinking. Since 1 January 2014, it is a criminal offence for young people under 18 to have alcohol in their possession in public, such as on the street or in a shopping centre. Selling alcohol to minors is illegal. The laws are intended to protect children and teenagers. ( und )



Federal law prohibits the purchase of non-distilled alcohol (like beer and vine) of persons under the age of 16. Distilled liquor is prohibited for persons under the age of 18.

Under the age of 16 the consumption of alcohol from any kind is not allowed. Within the age from 16 years to 18 years, the consumption of distilled alcohol like cocktails or alcopops is prohibited.



The Act of 26 October 1982 on Upbringing in Sobriety and the Prevention of Alcoholism (Official Journal 2002, No. 147 Item 1231) prohibits the sale and serving of alcohol to persons who are under the influence of alcohol or who are less than 18 years of age. In case of doubt as to whether the buyer has reached the age of majority, the seller or the person serving the alcohol may request the presentation of a document confirming the buyer's age.



Selling or consume alcohol beverages for minors under 16 years of age is prohibited. Selling alcohol beverages to drunk people ist forbidden. For people with mental abnormality it is not allowed to consume those beverages. No distinction is made concerning the strength of alcohol beverages.



There is still no information



The selling of spirits to anyone under the age of 20 is prohibited (law 1977:293 on the selling of beverages). In restaurants this age limit is 18 years. If a child is found drinking alcohol it is not the child that is considered to have broken the law but the adult who has sold or given the alcoholic drink to the child. This also applies to question.



It is prohibited to be sold or given alcoholic beverages or allow the use of persons younger than 18 years (Act 219/1996 Coll protection against abuse of alcoholic beverages and the establishment and operation of teetotal reception rooms).

Present legal framework in the Slovak Republic provides for the regulation of the availability of alcohol and tobacco in public outlets for minors under 18 years. Control the application of the prohibition of tobacco sales, cigarettes and alcohol (and the administration of alcohol) is the State Trade Inspection and sanction regime for traders who breach the prohibition on sales to minors. Higher binding of towns and cities in particular can be adjusted in terms of local time closing hours of restaurants, limited point of sale, etc.



The Act Restricting the Use of Alcohol (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 15/03) defines an alcoholic beverage as any beverage with more than 1.2 percent of alcohol by volume, and a spirit drink as any drink consisting more than 15 percent of alcohol by volume. In accordance with this Act, it is prohibited to sell or offer alcoholic beverages or drinks mixed with alcoholic beverages to people under eighteen years of age.



Nobody can sell spirits to people under 18. Law also prohibits consume, but some parents or legal guardians consent it by social convention in some Regions and authorities sometimes turn a blind eye.

The regions can have own regulations.

Czech Republic

The selling of spirits to anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited. Selling of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age is an offence.

Penal Code, § 218 - zákon č. Trestní zákon Law on protection against alcoholism and toxicomania - zákon č. 37/1989 Sb., o ochraně před alkoholismem a jinými toxikomaniemi.



Delivery and selling of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age is prohibited. They are also not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.



Selling alcoholic beverages to children under 18 years of age is prohibited. Children and young people are allowed to consume alcoholic beverages from 17 years.