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Up to which age is one regarded as a child and young person respectively?

Children are persons below the age of 14 years.

Adolescents are persons as of 14 but below the age of 18 years.

Up to which age is one regarded as a child and young person respectively?


Are children/teens allowed to stay in public places?

There is no legislation unless there is a dangerous place for minors.
(JuSchG § 8). The residence determination is part of parental care. 

Are children/teens allowed to stay in public places?


Are children/teens allowed to stay in restaurants or dance halls / ballrooms?

Children and adolescents below the age of 16 years shall not be present in a restaurant or dance halls unless they are accompanied by a custodial person or a person with parental power. Adolescents as of the age of 16 years shall not be present in a restaurant between midnight and 5 a.m. unless they are accompanied by a custodial person or a person with parental power.

These clause shall not apply to children or adolescents who are travelling or who attend an event sponsored by a youth welfare body.

(§§ 4.1 und 5.1 JuSchG) and (§§ 4.2 und 5.2 JuSchG)

Are children/teens allowed to stay in restaurants or dance halls / ballrooms?


Are children/teens allowed to stay in night clubs, bars, casinos, places for gambling etc.?

No (§§ 4.3 sowie 6 und 8 JuSchG)

Are children/teens allowed to stay in night clubs, bars, casinos, places for gambling etc.?


Is it allowed to sell spirits to children/teens?

Paragraph 9 Alcoholic drinks Protection of Young Persons Act

(1) In restaurants, sales outlets or otherwise in public

beer, wine, wine-like beverages or sparkling wine or mixtures of beer, wine, wine-like beverages or sparkling wine with non-alcoholic beverages to children and young people under the age of 16,
other alcoholic beverages or foodstuffs that contain other alcoholic beverages in significant amounts to children and young people they may neither be given nor permitted to be consumed.
(2) Paragraph 1 number 1 does not apply if young people are accompanied by a person who has custody.
(3) Alcoholic beverages may not be offered in public vending machines. This does not apply if an automat

 is set up in a place that is inaccessible to children and young people, or
set up in a commercially used room and it is ensured by technical devices or by constant supervision that children and young people cannot remove alcoholic beverages.

§ 20 No. 1 of the Restaurant Act remains unaffected.
(4) Soft drinks containing alcohol within the meaning of Section 1 (2) and (3) of the Alcopop Tax Act may only be placed on the market commercially with the note "Sale to persons under the age of 18 prohibited, Section 9 of the Youth Protection Act". This information must be on the finished packaging in the same font and in the same size and color as the brand or fancy name or, if not available, as the sales description and attached to bottles on the front label.

Is it allowed to sell spirits to children/teens?


Which restrictions are there for children/teens to visit public film screenings?

There are age ratings for films and time limits for visits to theaters.
(§ § 11 and 14 JuSchG).

§ 14 Labelling of films and film and play programs

(1) Films and movie programs that are appropriate to impact the development of children and young people or their upbringing to become a responsible and socially competent person should not be approved for their age group.

(2) The supreme state authority or an organization of voluntary self-regulation under the procedure referred to in paragraph 6 indicates the films and movie programs with

1. suitable for all ages;

2. suitable for six years;

3. suitable for twelve years;

4. suitable for sixteen years;

5. not suitable for minors or young people

§ 11 .3 ... allowed to attend public film events are only allowed to accompany a person with custody or person responsible for education

1. children below the age of six years;

2. children as of six years at performances finished later than 8 p.m.;

3. adolescents below the age of 16 years at performances finished after 10 p.m.;

4. adolescents as of 16 years at performances lasting beyond midnight.

Which restrictions are there for children/teens to visit public film screenings?


Are children/teens allowed to smoke in public?

Minors are smoking in public is not allowed. Also, no tobacco products may be delivered to them. § 10 JuSchG)

Are children/teens allowed to smoke in public?


Is it allowed for children/teens to go to internet café?


If the main purpose is playing games on the computer, an internet cafe is being treated like amusement arcades.

How are young people protected from harmful content in internet cafes?

The Youth Media treaty banning harmful content in electronic information and communication media and restricts youth impairing content. § § 4 and 5 JMStV)

Is it allowed for children/teens to go to internet café?


Which restrictions are there about carrying knifes, martial arts equipment, weapons?

It is prohibited for a person under 18 years of age to handle a weapon or ammunition. Young people may handle with a weapon and ammunition within a practical training or an employment contract if they will be under the supervision of an authority responsible who is authorized to issue instructions.

Air weapons may be used under the supervision entertainment at folk festivals. (§ § 1, 3 and 27 Firearms Act). Weapons which are intended for the game and have only a small kinetic energy (less than 0.5 joules), are allowed.

Which restrictions are there about carrying knifes, martial arts equipment, weapons?


Which regulations are there concerning sexual relations with children/teens?

Sexual contact with persons under the age of 14 are considered as child sexual abuse and punished. Depending on conditions, the age limit is higher.

Which regulations are there concerning sexual relations with children/teens?


Which restrictions are there if foreign young people want to work temporarily?

The youth employment law prohibits work for children under 13 years of general and limited the opportunities for minors through restrictions according to age.

Which restrictions are there if foreign young people want to work temporarily?


To which institutions can children/teens turn to if they need help?

Police, local authority youth services, counseling services, child protection centers, etc.

To which institutions can children/teens turn to if they need help?


Useful internet sites about youth protection


More information

All of the above laws can be found at www.gesetze-internet.de

Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz e.V. (BAJ), Mühlendamm 3, 10178 Berlin, info@bag-jugendschutz.de

More information